My experience creating and implementing data protection, cybersecurity and privacy at a large, global humanitarian organization has provided me with real-world experience that works AND makes a difference. Some examples include:

oPEraTIONs and strategy

  • Created global Data Protection and Privacy team at international humanitarian organization, impacting over 5,500 team members in 45 countries
  • Drove strategy and execution, managing key technical, logistical, and project implementation activities, including quarterly reports to executive team & risk committees

real time engagement

  • Extensive experience with data breach management in the United States, Africa and Middle East

  • Emergency response

    • For new humanitarian response, created initial cybersecurity and data protection guidance and protocols, advised on data regulation strategies and Data Sharing Agreements governing a multi-jurisdictional legal environment

    • For emergency office shutdown, coordinated with department and IT leads to address security of data on all in-country devices and local offices. Maintained daily assessment of security situation on the ground, formalized remote data destruction and office shutdown procedures, managed loss of and eventual restoration of a database holding sensitive information in an extremely hostile environment

resources and templates

Prioritized effective change management through development of meaningful, usable resources and templates that align with staff needs, including 

  • Implemented OneTrust, allowing for unification of data protection procedures across the agency
  • Standardized templates including Data Privacy Impact Assessments and Data Sharing Agreements
  • Responsible data training required for all employees
  • Data protection, privacy and cybersecurity guidance
  • Partnered with global MEL and IT teams to create MEL technology standards, guidance and training that improved data quality and data protection needs
  • Established new, global responsible data policy in 8 months, plus roadmap for future responsible data efforts at agency level, addressing data protection, privacy, and security concerns. Laid foundation for global data retention policy

  • Co-developed incident response policies and procedures


If you're ready to start or improve your data protection, cybersecurity or privacy posture, contact me today.